Sunday, April 29, 2012

Visual Arguments Against Embryonic Stem Cell Research

Those viewing the above political catoon are immediately bombarded with controversy. In the comic strip the older angel explains that he died waiting for embryonic stem cell reseach to find a cure for his terminal illness.  After inquiring about how the younger angel died, it is revealled that the younger angel had been the embyro. The creator of this cartoon tackled head on the primary argument in favor of stem cell research--to find cures for terminal diseases and save millions of lives.  The political cartoonist argued that blind attempts to find cures often come at the expense of ending additional lives that have yet to even start.The manner in which the young angel died appeals to the audience's emotions; most do not want to think about how new life has to be terminated in order to perform scientific research. The author argues that such research often takes too long, with suffering patients regretably dying, resulting in even more deaths than would have occurred if embryos had not been used. This visual argument sparks questions regarding ethics and morale in its viewers, fulfilling the three types of rhetoric: ethos, pathos, and logos.

When one takes a look at the opposing side of the Stem Cell Research debate, one can see the frustration that those in favor experience.  The above political cartoon is satirical and full of sarcasm.  In the comic, one can see that a terminally ill child, Billy, supports stem cell research.  He is seated, in his wheel chair, beside the treehouse of the "Culture of Life Club".  The club and its member(s) take the stance that some life stages (more specifically embryos and fetuses) are more sacred than lives that have already begun. 
Many states do not recognize a fetus as a person until birth.  Since it has not been finalized nationally as to whether a fetus has any rights, numerous debates regarding abortion and stem cell research continue to occur.  Those in favor of stem cell research desperately try to psuh for legislation allowing research that woukd improve the chances of life for those already defined as living individuals.
Clearly this is one of the main touchy subjects featued in every election, and it will continue until the entire country comes to the same agreement regarding who or what is defined as a living individual with rights.

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